The Daily Battle of Staying Hydrated: Tips to Drink More Water

Being a girl means you are always dehydrated. You have headaches, continuously your boyfriend or husband telling you to drink more water and explains the benefits. 

However, it is easier to say rather than do, and when it comes to drinking water, it is even impossible for some of us. How would you remember to drink water in the daily rush?  

I will not be talking about any benefits of drinking water, we all know it is a good thing, but I am here to help you boost your performance on the matter!


1- Make Water Accessible

One of my best friends from university always had a giant water bottle for all times with her. It is a Hydro Flask pink water bottle. She would choose her new bags by determining if her water bottle would fit in!

Having a water bottle is a good way to make water accessible for you. If you always see what you have to do, well, you do not have any other chance but to do it.

You can also put pitchers around your house to make it easier for you to get water. I know pitchers might be expensive, but here are some ideas on Amazon for you…

2- Flavor Your Water

There are a couple of ways to make your water more tasteful! Two here you can find:

First of all the natural way: cut some cucumbers, lemons, oranges… shove them into your water. Personally, I do not like the taste of lemons, partly because it makes my blood pressure drop! If you want to take your flavored water without you, you can always get a water bottle to hold the fruit in a separate compartment. 

OR… you can get one of the artificial flavors to mix into your water. Not my first preference, I never tried them but I think having natural fruits cut and dumped into your water would satisfy your desire to drink water much more. You know, giving you the feeling you put some effort into something.

3- Set a Reminder

This one is easier than all. Requires no money to spend to get your phone and set an alarm to every hour (or every two hours for starters) to remind you to drink water. Promise yourself that you will not escape from this commitment!

I know, I know…. Drinking water is hard and drains your energy sometimes. Do you know why your energy gets drained really fast??? Because you do not drink enough water! I think, and you think too, you need to drink more water trying to follow these steps. 


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