Dear reader,

Third grade when I discovered my passion for writing and reading. I was so eager to prepare a newspaper for my fellow classmates who yet just knew how to read was a big step. They were my first readers.

Fast forward to university, studying book and media studies is certainly a fun thing for me rather an academic study. A passion once you discover would hold you great deal in your life surely.

Being able to share my thought in a manner that people do not use anymore, with fancy words, is my favourite activity. As my dear Father sad, “short sentences have more meanings, what makes them powerful.” Agreed. Though, why one would like to write short while given the vast number of words to describe your emotions, and how can one describe oneself when they feel their sorrows and happiness and every other sentiments in the deepest part of one has?

My name is Daphne, and I love books and coffee. I love it gives me a rush of energy with my heart flattering as the dopamine enters my system. I love to cuddle my white and green sheets and read my book while having my boyfriend on the phone with me. I love to read articles and share my opinions. I love everything between my morning coffee and night reading time, that I like to call the chaos.

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