Chaos at Home

I would not call that place home. It was barely a flat. I have been staying with this girl that I was (was is an important part) friends with. We were neighbours when we were staying at the dorm and thought it would be a good idea to stay with each other (not!).

Basically the apartment was one bedroom and I did take the bedroom upon her request. She said that she was more than happy to stay in the living room with curtains to mark her territory. However, she was not happy with her decision. After a while, she started to yell at me how I had walls and she did not.

The tension between us escalated, she would come home and yell to the smallest thing arguing she had a though day already and I was not studying enough as she did so I was in the wrong! I still do not know the connection she decided to utter out load but that is the reality.

I was fed up with her issues and behaviour but tried to stay calm for a long time before she started physically violate me when she threw a broken piece of glass this Monday. That is when I left the home and never turned back.

I feel like things happen all at the same time and I have no option but to close my eyes and pray that these times will pass, somehow. I feel betrayed by the fact that I cannot understand why God is trying to examine me by giving me the hardships at the same time.


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