Why Would You Do That?!

Dear Reader,

After having to write diaries, that goes as past as my first year scraps if you will, I finally could bring myself to share my collection of memories, articles, books, ideas, everything you can simply thing that would create the very sole of human life.

You see, my writing style is unorthodox. I have deeply connected with long sentences rather than the short ones containing so much emotions trapped under a little amount of words. I believe those works of arts works as a force to push readers to search for the meanings of the writers’ world. Here, in this collection of my life, you will not have to look under any letters to discover more meaning, you will be simply handed the sole answer of your questions, if you are searching for any, by myself.

This blog is not meant to established to earn money or create an audience. It is a way for me to push my inner world, that I am having such hard time to trap inside me, out to the world. I figured a medium to transfer my collection simply gives me pure joy and relaxation, more than writing in a diary with closed covers could ensure.

I would discretely keep my identity behind the words, not because I do not trust you dear reader, well I mean that too, but because this very blog and posts are not about me, they are about my life. The difference in between may seem like a small and even an indifference to your ears, however knowing me personally would change your look into my writings. If you resonate with the feelings deep in your heart with me, these feelings would reflect themselves as the admiration. Otherwise, the deepened hatred of my soul held by another one would cause them to look the writings as the evil’s work. Without knowing me, you have no reason to have a bias but simply focus on what is on the blog.

In short, dear reader, welcome to the Chaos.


The Monster!